Source code for native_client.python

import os
import platform

#The API is not snake case which triggers linter errors
#pylint: disable=invalid-name

if platform.system().lower() == "windows":
    dslib_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'lib')

    # On Windows, we can't rely on RPATH being set to $ORIGIN/lib/ or on
    # @loader_path/lib
    if hasattr(os, 'add_dll_directory'):
        # Starting with Python 3.8 this properly handles the problem
        # Before Pythin 3.8 we need to change the PATH to include the proper
        # directory for the dynamic linker
        os.environ['PATH'] = dslib_path + ';' + os.environ['PATH']

import deepspeech

# rename for backwards compatibility
from deepspeech.impl import PrintVersions as printVersions
from deepspeech.impl import FreeStream as freeStream

[docs]class Model(object): """ Class holding a DeepSpeech model :param aModelPath: Path to model file to load :type aModelPath: str :param aBeamWidth: Decoder beam width :type aBeamWidth: int """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # make sure the attribute is there if CreateModel fails self._impl = None status, impl = deepspeech.impl.CreateModel(*args, **kwargs) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError("CreateModel failed with error code {}".format(status)) self._impl = impl def __del__(self): if self._impl: deepspeech.impl.FreeModel(self._impl) self._impl = None
[docs] def sampleRate(self): """ Return the sample rate expected by the model. :return: Sample rate. :type: int """ return deepspeech.impl.GetModelSampleRate(self._impl)
[docs] def enableDecoderWithLM(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Enable decoding using beam scoring with a KenLM language model. :param aLMPath: The path to the language model binary file. :type aLMPath: str :param aTriePath: The path to the trie file build from the same vocabulary as the language model binary. :type aTriePath: str :param aLMAlpha: The alpha hyperparameter of the CTC decoder. Language Model weight. :type aLMAlpha: float :param aLMBeta: The beta hyperparameter of the CTC decoder. Word insertion weight. :type aLMBeta: float :return: Zero on success, non-zero on failure (invalid arguments). :type: int """ return deepspeech.impl.EnableDecoderWithLM(self._impl, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stt(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Use the DeepSpeech model to perform Speech-To-Text. :param aBuffer: A 16-bit, mono raw audio signal at the appropriate sample rate (matching what the model was trained on). :type aBuffer: int array :param aBufferSize: The number of samples in the audio signal. :type aBufferSize: int :return: The STT result. :type: str """ return deepspeech.impl.SpeechToText(self._impl, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sttWithMetadata(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Use the DeepSpeech model to perform Speech-To-Text and output metadata about the results. :param aBuffer: A 16-bit, mono raw audio signal at the appropriate sample rate (matching what the model was trained on). :type aBuffer: int array :param aBufferSize: The number of samples in the audio signal. :type aBufferSize: int :return: Outputs a struct of individual letters along with their timing information. :type: :func:`Metadata` """ return deepspeech.impl.SpeechToTextWithMetadata(self._impl, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def createStream(self): """ Create a new streaming inference state. The streaming state returned by this function can then be passed to :func:`feedAudioContent()` and :func:`finishStream()`. :return: Object holding the stream :throws: RuntimeError on error """ status, ctx = deepspeech.impl.CreateStream(self._impl) if status != 0: raise RuntimeError("CreateStream failed with error code {}".format(status)) return ctx
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def feedAudioContent(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Feed audio samples to an ongoing streaming inference. :param aSctx: A streaming state pointer returned by :func:`createStream()`. :type aSctx: object :param aBuffer: An array of 16-bit, mono raw audio samples at the appropriate sample rate (matching what the model was trained on). :type aBuffer: int array :param aBufferSize: The number of samples in @p aBuffer. :type aBufferSize: int """ deepspeech.impl.FeedAudioContent(*args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def intermediateDecode(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute the intermediate decoding of an ongoing streaming inference. :param aSctx: A streaming state pointer returned by :func:`createStream()`. :type aSctx: object :return: The STT intermediate result. :type: str """ return deepspeech.impl.IntermediateDecode(*args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def finishStream(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Signal the end of an audio signal to an ongoing streaming inference, returns the STT result over the whole audio signal. :param aSctx: A streaming state pointer returned by :func:`createStream()`. :type aSctx: object :return: The STT result. :type: str """ return deepspeech.impl.FinishStream(*args, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def finishStreamWithMetadata(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Signal the end of an audio signal to an ongoing streaming inference, returns per-letter metadata. :param aSctx: A streaming state pointer returned by :func:`createStream()`. :type aSctx: object :return: Outputs a struct of individual letters along with their timing information. :type: :func:`Metadata` """ return deepspeech.impl.FinishStreamWithMetadata(*args, **kwargs)
# This is only for documentation purpose # Metadata and MetadataItem should be in sync with native_client/deepspeech.h
[docs]class MetadataItem(object): """ Stores each individual character, along with its timing information """
[docs] def character(self): """ The character generated for transcription """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
[docs] def timestep(self): """ Position of the character in units of 20ms """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
[docs] def start_time(self): """ Position of the character in seconds """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
[docs]class Metadata(object): """ Stores the entire CTC output as an array of character metadata objects """
[docs] def items(self): """ List of items :return: A list of :func:`MetadataItem` elements :type: list """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
[docs] def num_items(self): """ Size of the list of items :return: Size of the list of items :type: int """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass
[docs] def confidence(self): """ Approximated confidence value for this transcription. This is roughly the sum of the acoustic model logit values for each timestep/character that contributed to the creation of this transcription. """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass